Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday's Children Blog Hop: Rhythmical

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." -Victor Hugo

Humans are creatures of rhythm.

Our entire lives are governed by it. Eating, sleeping, working, sex. Everything we do occurs to a beat. Writers understand this better than most, slaves as we are to the constant ebb and flow of creativity.

Maybe that's why so many writers are music aficionados. I know I am.

Each time I start a new book, I start a new playlist. I love combing through the world of music for songs that capture the tone, the characters, a snippet of the story I'm working on.

Here, for your enjoyment, are a few favorites from my current Work-In-Progress:

Beginning/Introduction: "Gimme Shelter", The Rolling Stones

First Love Scene: "Crawl", Kings Of Leon

These are just a few of the songs I've been listening to recently. Now that my book is nearly finished, I'm getting a little nostalgic. As a rule, I don't listen to my WIP playlist once the work is no longer, well, in progress.

This is going to be a hard playlist to leave behind.

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  1. I was recently wondering why it is that so many people who love to either write or direct (films) also have a thing for music. I couldn't think of a good reason, but what you've said about rhythm/beats makes a lot of sense. A great post as always!

  2. Paula: Thanks lady! Hope you're having a good week :-)

  3. Great post! I am definitely linked to music whenever I write. I find certain songs speak to me and help illuminate my characters.

  4. Vicki: Yay! I'm not the only one!

  5. I've been trying to find a song for someone to sing during a candlelight vigil which occurs in my WIP. It's tough and I do think rhythm has something to do with it--or writerly obsessiveness. The song's lyrics have to fit the situation and the voice/rhythm of the story's voice and say the right thing. Gah, I suspect this is one of those things which will have to wait until I stumble upon it.

  6. Radioactive is a fab song, I agree. Lyrics, mood, vocal tone have all lent themselves to my stories. You are definitely not alone :)

  7. Pat: that's generally how I find my songs; by accident. Good luck!

  8. Rhiann: yeah, totally obsessed with Radioactive now. Got my husband obsessed with it too. Success!

  9. I LOVE Radioactive - it's one of those songs I can't get enough of (for now). I make up playlists for scenes too, especially if they're being tough on me. Great post!

    1. CJ: Thanks! And I know what you mean; I'm so addicted to Radioactive right now, even my 2-year-old son can sing to it!

  10. I love making WiP playlists! There are certain songs, bands even, that will forever remind me of a particular scene or character. Music, such an amazing, lovely thing.

  11. I love Creedence! I've never actually made a playlist, but there are certain songs I go back to for certain stories. They DO give our writing a special rhythm!

  12. OMG we have totally the same tastes in music. Great to have you back with us!

  13. Jessika: Two of a kind. Knew it.

  14. Kate: I love Creedence, too! And I think even if you don't make playlists on the computer, they're probably going in your head...

  15. Kristina: Thank you! It's good to be back. And you have excellent taste in music ;-)


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